Physics in a nutshell

$ \renewcommand{\D}[2][]{\,\text{d}^{#1} {#2}} $ $\DeclareMathOperator{\Tr}{Tr}$

Radiant Properties of Extended Objects


In the previous article the quantity radiance was introduced. This quantity contains all information about the spatial and directional characteristics of the radiation emitted by a surface (provided that it is given for each point on that surface).

radiance emitted by a small surface element
(a) Basic geometry of the set-up: A small portion $\D{A}$ of the surface area emits some amount of radiation into a solid angle $\D{\Omega}$ along the direction given by $\vec{\theta}(\vartheta , \varphi)$. The included angle between the normal vector of the surface $\vec{n}$ and $\vec{\theta}$ is labelled $\vartheta$.

According to its definition the radiance can be calculated by considering the flux $\Phi$ emitted by a small area $\D{A}$ around a point $\vec{r}(x,y)$ on that surface into a small solid angle $\D{\Omega}$ around a particular direction $\vec{\theta}(\vartheta,\varphi)$: \begin{align} L(x,y,\vartheta,\varphi) = \frac{\Dsq{ \Phi (x,y,\vartheta,\varphi) } }{\D{A \cos \vartheta} \D{\Omega}} \end{align} $\vartheta$ is the angle between the normal vector $\vec{n}$ of the considered surface element $\D{A}$ and the examined direction $\vec{\theta}$.

As explained in the context of the definition of radiance, the $\cos \vartheta$ appears due to the fact that in general the infinitesimal surface element $\D{A}$ of the object is not aligned normal to the direction given by $\vec{\theta}$. However, the definition of the requires a surface element normal to $\vec{\theta}$ which is why the projection factor $\cos \vartheta$ is necessary.[1]

If $L(x,y,\vartheta,\varphi)$ is given, other quantities can be derived as well:

Radiant Intensity

The total radiant intensity $I$ emitted by a surface $S$ in the direction of $\vec{\theta}(\vartheta,\varphi)$:[2][3] \begin{align} I(x,y,\vartheta,\varphi) = \int_S L(x,y,\vartheta,\varphi) \D{A \cos \vartheta } \end{align}

Flux Density

The radiant exitance $M$ (emitted flux density) at a point $\vec{r}$ normal to the surface (into the upper hemisphere):[4] \begin{align} M(x,y) &= \int_\uparrow L(x,y,\vartheta,\varphi) \cos \vartheta \D{\Omega} \\ &= \int_{\varphi = 0}^{2\pi} \D{\vartheta} \int_{\vartheta = 0}^{\pi / 2} \D{\varphi} L(x,y,\vartheta,\varphi) \cos \vartheta \sin \vartheta \end{align}

Isotropic Radiance

In the case of isotropic radiance $L=L(x,y)$ this even simplifies to:[5] \begin{align} M(x,y) &= L(x,y) \underbrace{ \int_{\varphi = 0}^{2\pi} \D{\varphi} }_{2\pi} \underbrace{ \int_{\vartheta = 0}^{\pi / 2 } \D{\vartheta} \cos \vartheta \sin \vartheta }_{1/2} \\ &= \pi \cdot L(x,y) \end{align}


[1] J. A. Coakley, P. Yang Atmospheric Radiation Wiley 2014 (pp. 45-46)
[2] W. L. Wolfe Introduction to Radiometry SPIE Press 1998 (ch. 2.1)
[3] J. A. Coakley, P. Yang Atmospheric Radiation Wiley 2014 (p. 46)
[4] G. W. Petty A First Course in Atmospheric Radiation Sundog Publishing 2006 (ch. 2.7.3)
[5] G. W. Petty A First Course in Atmospheric Radiation Sundog Publishing 2006 (ch. 2.7.3)

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